
Italian language courses for foreigners (October 2019 - January 2020)

17/07/2019 Versione Stampabile


The "Centro Linguistico" offers Italian language courses for foreigners from October 2019 to January 2020 for different levels.


Course description


 7th October 2019 – 30th January 2020  (including all potential make up classes)

 Holidays: 21st December 2019 to 7th January 2020


 60 hours (50 hours in class + 10 hours of online exercises to be completed by the end of the course)


 only a limited number of participants will be admitted, according to classroom availability

 Timetable  Days, timetable, classrooms*

 Final test

 between 23rd January and 4th February 2020**

* The course times and dates could undergo changes due to unforeseen circumstances.

** Students will be informed of exact test dates during the course.

The final test can be taken only once at the end of the course.

Admission to courses - REQUIREMENTS

In order to enrol in an Italian language course it is necessary to establish your prior knowledge of the language. Students including absolute beginners are required to take an Entry Test.


You must enrol online at least 4 hours before the test starts. For instructions on how to enrol, click here.

Once you have enrolled you can take the test on any of the dates shown on the website without notifying the CLI. The computer test lasts 90 minutes and it is then followed by an oral test where requested.

The entry test can be taken only once for each session.

Admission to courses - ENROLLMENT

After taking the entry test you can enrol in the courses at the CLI Secretarial Office.

After enrolment, if necessary students may apply to transfer to another course at the same level. Applications must be submitted to the CLI Secretarial Office by the end of the second week of the course. Please note, however, that approval will be subject to the availability of places on other courses. 



  • Attendance certificate: this will be awarded at the end of the course to students who have attended at least 80% of classes and completed the 10 hours of online exercises;
  • Language knowledge certificate: this will be awarded to the students who pass the language knowledge test.


Course participants and fees

The following fees are per course. Teaching materials (books, photocopies, etc.) are not included.

Students who decide not to attend the course and do not give notice prior to the start of the course will not be reimbursed.

  • Pisa University students
  • Students from the institutes of the "Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale" system in the provinces of PI, GR, LI, LU, MS
  • Visiting students at Pisa University

€ 140,00

  • Post-graduate students and non-teaching staff, visiting fellows from Pisa University, SNS, SSSUP, IMT, CNR, INFN, IRCCS, IIT and AFAM
  • New graduates from Pisa University for no longer than 18th months, new graduates from AFAM for no longer than 18th months

€ 200,00

  • Researchers at Pisa University, SNS, SSSUP, IMT, CNR and INFN
  • Administrative and Technical Staff at Pisa University, SNS, SSSUP, IMT, CNR, INFN, IRCCS and IIT
  • All the staff of the "Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana"

€ 260,00

  • Associate Professors and Professors of Pisa University, SNS, SSSUP and IMT

€ 460,00

  • Other students (High School)

€ 550,00

  • Others
€ 600,00



1) Before enrolling, please read the Regulations.

2) Please check if emails sent from addresses go into the SPAM folder of your mailbox.

3) Possible changes (dates, links, etc.) will be communicated via the CLI website (News).


        Centro Linguistico, Via Santa Maria, 36 - 56126 PISA

        tel: 050 2215590, fax: 050 2210663, e-mail:

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