
Course Registration Regulations


  1. In order to register for a course, students must be able to demonstrate their current level of the language they wish to study. Ways in which this may be done are included in the information listed in the course posting.
  2. Once the student has demonstrated their personal level of the language they wish to study, he or she may proceed with the registration process, following the instructions listed in the course posting.
  3. The CLI may only guarantee the activation of those levels and languages which receive adequate funding.
  4. As courses have limited space, the CLI cannot guarantee that all students who wish to take a course will find a place. However, those students who sign up for the first module of a course will have priority registration for each successive module.
  5. Students are required, should they be asked, to demonstrate that they meet the requirements to obtain a reduced course fee. This may consist of the showing of documentation, or an identity card.
  6. Students must choose courses based on their existing knowledge of a language (see number 1) and based on the number of places available in a course.
  7. Students must register using the online registration forms.
  8. Payment must be made following the instructions provided by the CLI; the student who will be taking a course must include his or her name on the payment form.
  9. Students must proceed with payment by the deadlines indicated by the CLI, and based on information included in the price list for each individual course. Registration fees will not be reimbursed after courses begin.
  10. CLI secretaries reserve the right to ask to be shown a receipt of payment at any time during the course.


  • Students who do not follow the aforementioned regulations and do not complete the payment may be excluded from the course.



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